Saturday, 4 April 2015

“He who dies with the most toys...dies a child.”

“He who dies with the most toys...dies a child.” - James Rozoff

Today's society has lead us down the path of wealth accumulation. We as a society expect our patrons to come into the world go to school get an education, find a job start working, buy a house buy a car and keep on doing so until we die. Why I ask do we all have to follow this path working to we retire and buying till our immanent death, how did we end up here and why do we all choose to accept this fate. Is it a generation issue or has this been going on for so long that no one can remember when and how it started, did our parent just follow this path as their parents did or was it pushed on them by the government and large scale organisations with the power to do so. 

Capital Accumulation is what Capitalism is based upon, the belief that we have all been put onto this planet to consume as much as possible and grow our assets and capital as much as we can. Regardless of if we understand why we are doing so, is it for our pleasure or is it so we can benefit as a society so our children and their children will benefit from the paths that we have laid for them. This is far from the case we only have a limited time on this earth and if we spend all our time trying to accumulate as much wealth as we can without enjoying the time that we have it will be over before we have to chance to experience it. All we need to do is look at the countless scientific experiments that prove that buying experiences not possessions give us real happiness. Yet we are all guilty of purchasing every new gadget that is released onto the market, from every new smart phone to smart TV everything that we own has to be the latest and greatest regardless of whether it bring us the joy that we seek from life we buy out of the fear of being left behind. We are hell bent on "Keeping up with Jones'' failing to realise who they actually are and that no matter how much we accrue there will always be someone who appears to be in front us at first glance but in fact we do not see the truth so we are left chasing shadows.

This may seem strange when we look back on society and see that the Ancient Egyptians believed the same basic premise, regardless of the reasoning that lay behind it, they still had the same fundamental belief that he who dies with the most possessions we have the most enjoyable afterlife. That is somewhat more logical than that exist today, we do not believe that these possessions are carried with us after we pass yet we gather as much as possible. Some may argue that we are passing this on to our family and friends via a will but we are then passing on the notion that is what they must do with their lives. It may be different if we were there to see them enjoy it but we're not, and often when our loved ones make the decision to give this to us before we they pass we are forced into giving them the fake emotions that they crave. I say do not die a child live like buy experiences rather than toys, these toys may make you happy for a moment but the memories of an experience are with us for a lifetime.


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